Nuevos datos publicados sobre lesiones y muertes relacionadas con los fuegos artificiales Download: Seguridad de los fuegos artificiales Soundbites y B-roll 2023 Download: Infografía WASHINGTON, D.C. – El índice de lesiones relacionadas con los fuegos…
DOWNLOAD: Gail Devers Thyroid Eye Disease PSA – 30 seconds DOWNLOAD: Gail Devers Thyroid Eye Disease PSA – 60 seconds Dear PSA Director, Gail Devers has been living with Graves’ disease for more than…
DOWNLOAD: CDC Hear Her AIAN TV PSA 30 secs DOWNLOAD: CDC Hear Her AIAN Radio PSA 30 secs Dear PSA Director, Although deaths related to pregnancy are rare, most are preventable. We lose too many…
(Monday, November 14, 2022, Washington, DC) – As we enter another winter season, it’s critical we protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities from new surges of COVID-19 infections. The virus that causes COVID-19…
DOWNLOAD – Prevent Cancer Foundation Hi-Res 60 Second PSA DOWNLOAD – Prevent Cancer Foundation Hi-Res 30 Second PSA Dear PSA Director, Most people think that colorectal cancer affects only older adults—but today, more adults under…