Monday, February 28, 2022 Dear PSA Director, At the start of Women’s History Month, the Senate is set to deliberate the reauthorization of the bipartisan Violence Against Women Act (S.3623). In a country where one...
AUDIO: Lori J. Pierce, FASTRO, MD, FASCO, Chair of the Board, American Society of Clinical Oncology
(Alexandria, VA, Thursday, February 24, 2022) – Recent improvements in cancer care and outcomes in the United States are not reaching everyone equally. New research from KFF suggests that racial and eithnic disparities in oncologhy...
AUDIO: Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell, Administrator, at the U.S. Fire Administration
(Washington D.C., Thursday, February 24, 2022) – Wider spread and more destructive wildfires are on the rise in the western United States. These leave the ground charred, barren, and unable to absorb water, making it...
AUDIO: Daniel Llargués, Jefe de Relaciones Públicas de FEMA
(Washington D.C., Jueves, 24 de Febrero de 2022) – Los incendios forestales más destructivos y de mayor propagación están aumentando en el oeste de los Estados Unidos. Estos dejan el suelo chamuscado, estéril e incapaz...
AUDIO: Eric Phillips, Senior Director of Financial Partnerships & Strategic Insights, Human Interest
(San Francisco, CA, Wednesday, February 23, 2022) – “Three-quarters of Americans agree that the country is facing a retirement crisis,” which is one reason America Saves Week sets aside Feb. 23 to specifically address saving...
AUDIO: Robyn Thomas, Giffords Law Center Executive Director
(Washington, D.C., Wednesday, February 23, 2022) – Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has released its annual Gun Law Scorecard, which every year ranks all 50 states and assigns them a point total and...
AUDIO: Sue Peschin, President and CEO, Alliance for Aging Research
(Washington, DC, Tuesday, February 22, 2022) – Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day is recognized every February 22 during American Heart Month and is dedicated to increasing recognition of the specific risk factors and symptoms of...
AUDIO: Allen Hester, Legislative Representative, Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending, Friends Committee on National Legislation
(Washington, D.C., Thursday, February 17, 2022) – In the coming weeks, the president will release his Nuclear Posture Review, which will give him an opportunity to make major changes to our nuclear weapons policy. The...
AUDIO: Dr. Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, PharmD, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake University
(Washington, D.C., Thursday, February 17, 2022) – Each year, millions of Americans use over-the-counter medicines to treat their cold and flu symptoms. While this year’s flu season has been relatively mild, the continued spread of ...
AUDIO: Vasu Jakkal, Corporate Vice President Security, Compliance and Identity, Microsoft Security
(Redmond, WA, Friday, February 4, 2022) – Online threats are increasing in volume, velocity, and sophistication. In response, Microsoft is launching “Cyber Signals,” a cyber threat intelligence brief offering expert insight on the current threat...