Las inundaciones pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar, incluso lejos de una fuente de agua. Las ciudades tienen riesgos ocultos de inundación que pueden poner en peligro hogares y negocios.
Flooding can happen anywhere, even far from a water source. Cities have hidden flood risks that can put homes and businesses in danger.
During the fall and winter months, seasonal viruses like flu, RSV, and COVID-19 begin circulating. Wastewater monitoring provides data that communities and local health leaders can use to make health decisions and curb the spread of infectious diseases.
With peak hurricane season quickly approaching in mid-September, FEMA is urging residents to understand their flood risk and to act now. It’s a fact that when a hurricane hits, those with flood insurance recover faster.
Con la temporada alta de huracanes acercándose rápidamente a mediados de septiembre, la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) está instando a los residentes a entender su riesgo de inundación y actuar ahora.
The United States Mint is excited to announce a historic collaboration with Warner Brothers Discovery Global Consumer Products to launch a new coin and medal series celebrating comic book art as a uniquely American artform, featuring DC comic book characters.
Las inundaciones son el desastre natural más costoso de Estados Unidos, y los ríos provocan cientos de inundaciones cada año.
Flooding is the most expensive natural disaster in the United States, and rivers cause hundreds of floods every year. The transition from the winter season to spring can result in increased rainfall and melting snow which can cause rivers and other bodies of water to rise, overflow and spill out onto nearby flat, dry land—and that causes flooding.
(Wednesday, November 1, 2023) – Infectious disease experts are concerned that COVID-19, influenza and RSV case numbers will rise simultaneously and are warning the public about the potential of a “tripledemic.” Tracking these viruses and...
U.S. Congress to Consider Legislation to Assess Sustainable, Inclusive Seafood Farming (Washington, D.C., Friday, October 13, 2023) – Sustainable seafood farmed in offshore waters of the United States is one step closer to being on...