Vehicle Safety Recalls Week es del 3 al 9 de marzo. En 2024, casi uno de cada cinco vehículos tenía recalls de seguridad sin resolver. Estamos con Ben Arias, experto en Seguridad de Pasajeros Infantiles.

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If someone is suffering from a cold, the flu, or another pesky virus, it’s important for them to be careful not to overuse acetaminophen. 

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US adults with at least one high-risk factor for COVID-19 and influenza (flu) have a greater chance of developing severe illness from these viruses. Chronic health issues can put people at increased risk for serious complications.

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RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a serious threat to older adults, leading to thousands of hospitalizations and deaths each year. The good news is that RSV vaccines are now available to help protect adults who are most at risk. Dr. Gail Guerrero-Tucker, with the American Academy of Family Physicians, shares more.

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LOCUTOR: (:18) El VRS, o virus respiratorio sincitial, es una amenaza para los adultos mayores, que provoca decenas de miles de hospitalizaciones y miles de muertes anualmente. Ya existen vacunas contra el VRS para proteger a los más expuestos. La Dra. Gail Guerrero-Tucker, de la Academia Americana de Médicos de Familia, nos comparte.

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