El duelo durante la infancia es un aspecto profundo y a menudo ignorado, de la vida de una persona joven. Ya sea por la muerte de uno de los padres, un hermano o un familiar cercano, afrontar el duelo a una edad temprana presenta retos únicos que pueden tener efectos duraderos en el bienestar emocional y el desarrollo del niño.
Childhood grief is a deeply profound and often overlooked aspect of a young person’s life. Whether due to the death of a parent, sibling, or close family member, navigating grief at a young age presents unique challenges that can have lasting effects on a child’s emotional well-being and development.
This public service campaign from the Prevent Cancer Foundation® can save lives. Most people don’t experience signs or symptoms of cancer until it’s in advanced stages. But no one should wait for symptoms to check their health through cancer screening tests.