If You Spot Unusual or Questionable Charges, Contact Your Health Care Provider Video of Medicare Identity Theft PSA TV ENGLISH Public Service Announcement – English Dear PSA Director, Medicare is mailing new Medicare cards to…
If You Spot Unusual or Questionable Charges, Contact Your Health Care Provider Video of Medicare Identity Theft PSA TV SPANISH Public Service Announcement – Spanish Dear PSA Director, Medicare is mailing new Medicare cards to…
More than 20 Percent of Flood Insurance Claims have been for Properties in Low to Moderate Risk Flood Zones David Maurstad, Chief Executive of the National Flood Insurance Program, FEMA (Washington, D.C., Monday, August 27,…
Many Parents Find it Challenging to Squeeze in Time for Self-Care Courtney McCormick, Corporate Dietitian, Nutrisystem (Fort Washington, PA, Wednesday, August 22, 2018) – Parenthood is a demanding and busy job, particularly during back-to-school season. With…
Flooding is the Most Common Natural Disaster in the United States, and All Communities Are at Risk David Maurstad, Deputy Associate Administrator for Insurance and Mitigation, FEMA (Washington, D.C., Tuesday, August 21, 2018) – The…
Time Thursday, August 16, 2018 Dear PSA Director, Millions of people with chronic conditions who use sharps, needles, lancets or auto injectors outside of a medical facility for medical treatment may have questions about how…
15 Million Americans Live with Food Allergies Today Lisa Gable, CEO, FARE (McLean, VA, Wednesday, August 15, 2018) – A national epinephrine auto-injector shortage has remained unresolved since May. Eighty two percent of people who…
World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer Determined in 2015 that the Key Ingredient in Roundup is Carcinogenic to Humans David Dickens, Lead Trial Attorney, The Miller Firm (San Francisco, CA, Monday, August…
Safe Needle Disposal Practices May Be Different, Depending On Where You Are Ed Hawthorne, California-based member of the National Diabetes Volunteer Leadership Council and former National Chairman of the Board of the American Diabetes Association…
World Breastfeeding Week is Celebrated Every Year From August 1st to August 7 Shari Criso, R.N., Certified Nurse Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Nationally Recognized Parenting Educator (White Plains, NY, Wednesday, August 1,…