Dr. Raymond Mailhot Vega, Intern, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) More than 11,000 of the world’s top cancer…
Ignorar las etiquetas de los medicamentos y tomar demasiados analgésicos de venta libre es una práctica insegura que puede ocasionar problemas graves Dr. Nelson García, Gastroenterólogo y Portavoz de la Campaña Salud Intestinal: Conozca su…
Christine Nieves, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Estaciones, a continuación un aviso informativo. Comunicado en 3,2,1… (INTRO) Un nuevo informe de la Robert Wood Johnson Foundation y del Urban Institute indica que, para 2016, la Ley…
Largest Study on 3D Mammography Finds it Improves Cancer Detection Dr. Sarah Friedewald, Co-medical Director of the Caldwell Breast Center at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Illinois Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead…
The Massive Airbag Recall Affects Millions of Makes and Models Built from 2003 to 2013 by the Majority of Auto Manufacturers Chris Freeman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (Dallas, TX, Wednesday, August 29, 2018) – As Texans…
It Can Disrupt Your Medical Care and Waste Tax Payer Dollars Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Dear PSA Director, Medical identity theft is when someone steals or uses your personal information (like your name, Social Security…
Puede Interrumpir Su Cuidado Médico y el Impuesto al Desperdicio Pagador de Dólares Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Dear PSA Director, Medical identity theft is when someone steals or uses your personal information (like your name,…
Alzheimer’s Disease is the Sixth Leading Cause of Death Overall in the United States and Affects 5.7 Million Americans Michael Weiner, MD, University of California, San Francisco & Internationally Recognized Alzheimer’s Expert (San Francisco, CA,…
If You Spot Unusual or Questionable Charges, Contact Your Health Care Provider Video of Medicare Identity Theft PSA TV ENGLISH Public Service Announcement – English Dear PSA Director, Medicare is mailing new Medicare cards to…