(Washington D.C., Tuesday, October 15, 2019) – When five justices on the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in the Shelby County v. Holder case in 2013, they made it easier for states and...
(Washington, D.C., Martes 15 de Octubre de 2019) – Cuando cinco Jueces de la Corte Suprema desestimaron la Ley de Derecho al Voto en el caso Shelby County v. Holder en 2013, facilitaron a los...
AUDIO: José García, Senior Adviser for Prayer and Evangelical Engagement, Bread for the World
(Washington D.C., Thursday, October 10, 2019) – On October 15, the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule will go into effect that will penalize legal immigrants who access public benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance...
AUDIO: Jeff Hall, National Employment Director, DAV
(Cold Spring, KY, Tuesday, October 1, 2019) – America’s disabled veterans are faced with unique challenges as they transition from serving our country to powering America’s economy. A survey of veterans with disabilities transitioning to...
AUDIO: Brigham McCown, Chairman and Founder, Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure
(Washington D.C., Tuesday, October 1, 2019) – In an era where bipartisanship is difficult to come by, Congress found something it agrees on – preventing the use of federal funding to purchase railcars from Chinese...
AUDIO: Anthony Wier, Legislative Secretary, Nuclear Disarmament and Pentagon Spending, Friends Committee on National Legislation
(Washington, D.C., Tuesday, September 24, 2019) – The Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU), a South Korean government-funded research institute in areas of unification and North Korean research, has invited Anthony Wier to participate in...
AUDIO: Scot Spencer, Associate Director, Advocacy and Influence, Annie E. Casey Foundation
(Baltimore, MD, Tuesday, September 24, 2019) – New research from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows that living in a high-poverty neighborhood puts young people at risk. On Tuesday, September 24, the Foundation will release...
AUDIO: Chris McEntee, Executive Director and CEO of AGU
(Washington D.C., Tuesday, September 24, 2019) – AGU has released Surging Waters: Science Empowering Communities in the Face of Flooding. This report takes the imminent issue of flooding and demonstrates how science is essential in...
(Washington, D.C., Wednesday, September 18, 2019) – Independent researchers estimate that 100 people are killed daily with guns in the U.S., and many more are injured. Guns are the second leading cause of death for all...
AUDIO: Amelia Kegan, Legislative Director of Domestic Policy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation
(Washington D.C., Thursday, September 12, 2019) – The government’s latest poverty report highlights the importance of federal assistance programs in helping people out of poverty. While the U.S. economy has improved the lives of millions...