(Washington, D.C., Friday, June 9, 2023) – Rural and remote communities often suffer from lack of energy access and high energy costs. The Department of Energy is seeking to address many of these issues, offering...
Daniel Llargués, Oficial de Asuntos Públicos en FEMA
(Washington D.C., miércoles 31 de mayo de 2023) – Las inundaciones son el desastre natural más costoso de Estados Unidos, y los ríos provocan cientos de inundaciones cada año. La transición de la estación invernal...
AUDIO: David Maurstad, Senior Executive of the NFIP
(Washington D.C., Thursday, May 25, 2023) – Flooding is the most expensive natural disaster in the United States, and rivers cause hundreds of floods every year. The transition from the winter season to spring can...
AUDIO: Chris Free, Fishery Research Scientist at University of California-Santa Barbara and Bob Dooley, retired fisherman from Half Moon Bay
(California, Thursday, April 13, 2023) – Fishermen across the Pacific Coast are feeling the impacts of climate change. In California, this year’s salmon season is canceled and several Dungeness crab fisheries also had to be closed....
AUDIO: Chris Free, Fishery Research Scientist at University of California-Santa Barbara and Scott Hickman, Guide Fisherman in Galveston, Texas
(Gulf Coast, Thursday, April 13, 2023) – Climate change is stressing fisheries across the Gulf Coast. The increased number and severity of red tides has greatly impacted both fish populations and fisherman. Commercial shrimp, oyster,...
AUDIO: Chris Free, Fishery Research Scientist at University of California-Santa Barbara and Chris Brown, President of Seafood Harvesters of America and a commercial fisherman in Rhode Island
(New England, Thursday, April 13, 2023) – New England fishermen are feeling the impacts of climate change. As the ocean warms, fish populations are moving north, and fishing jobs are down 16% across the region....
AUDIO: Mark Shugart, Floodplain Management & Insurance Branch Chief with FEMA
(Washington D.C., Tuesday, August 30, 2022) – Larger and more destructive wildfires are on the rise across the United States. These fires leave the ground charred, barren, and unable to absorb water, so it only...
VIDEO: Hannah Rogers, a Citizens’ Climate Lobby 2022 Conservative Outreach Fellow
(Washington, D.C., Tuesday, August 23, 2022) – President Biden recently signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law. The bill passed along party lines, and while many elected Republicans were vocal in their opposition,…
AUDIO: Hawaii Governor David Ige and Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Director Luke Meyers
(Honolulu, HI, Friday, August 5, 2022) – With peak Pacific hurricane season approaching, it’s vital for residents of Hawaii to remain vigilant in order to protect their homes and families against flooding. Hawaii was fortunate...
AUDIO: Veronica Verde, FEMA Region 9, External Affairs Officer
(American Samoa, Friday, August 5, 2022) – With peak Pacific tropical storm season approaching, it’s vital for the residents of American Samoa to remain vigilant in order to protect their homes and families from flooding....