(Los Angeles, CA, Thursday, October 18, 2018) – According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers, and October is the most dangerous month for crashes. These...
93% of Patients say PAs are Trusted Healthcare Providers (Alexandria, VA, Tuesday, October 9, 2018) – PAs are medical professionals who diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications, and often serve as a patient’s...
(Washington, D.C., Thursday, October 11, 2018) – The Trump administration announced on September 22 it wants to make changes to the “public charge” rule. These changes would deny green cards to legal immigrants who have used or might use...
A new survey from AARP Foundation, “Loneliness and Social Connections Among Adults Age 45 and Older,” examines social connections and how they can improve our understanding of loneliness and how it relates to social isolation factors.
On Thursday, September 27, 2018 when the New Jersey Assembly returns to Trenton for the 1st of only 3 voting days before the year’s end, supporters of the “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act” will meet in Trenton to demand that lawmakers bring the bill to the floor for a vote after six years of debate about this compassionate legislation.
Puede ser un Buen Momento para que las Personas Mayores Evalúen su Plan Actual e Incluso Consideren Cambiar de Médico Dariel Quintana_Devoted_Spanish Audio: Dariel Quintana, el Presidente para el Mercado de Florida de Devoted...
It May be a Good Time for Seniors to Assess Their Current Plan and Even Consider Switching Doctors Dariel Quintana_Devoted_English Audio: Dariel Quintana, Florida Market President, Devoted Health (Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Wednesday, September...
States’ Decisions to Expand Medicaid has Paid Off for Residents of Small Towns and Rural Areas Even More Than it has for Those Living in Metro Areas JoanAlker_RuralHealthReport Audio: Joan Alker, Research Professor, Georgetown University...
Roughly 70% of children with young adult parents live in low-income families LauraSpeer_AECF Audio: Laura Speer, Associate Director for Policy Reform and Advocacy, Annie E. Casey Foundation (Baltimore, MD, Tuesday, September 25, 2018) –...
39.7 Million People Lived in Poverty in 2017 RevBeckmann_BreadfortheWorld Audio: Reverend David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World (Washington, DC, Thursday, September 20, 2018) – The federal government has just released its annual hunger and poverty...