The 2012 Cleanup Was the Second Largest in History Nicholas Mallos, Marine Debris Specialist and Conservation Biologist Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Ocean Conservancy has just…
How Does a 16-Year-Old Evolve Into a Bank Robber? (San Francisco, CA, Thursday, January 8, 2015) – How does a 16-year-old evolve into a bank robber? In Evolution of a Criminal, filmmaker Darius Clark Monroe…
Los Floridanos Deben Estar Preparado Para la Temporada de Huracanes Florencia Contesse, Florida Power and Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Aunque han pasado nueve años…
Floridians Should Stay Prepared for Hurricane Season Bryan Garner, Florida Power and Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Though it’s been nine years since a hurricane…
Tips to Help Find the Right Gifts and Keep Your Bill Low Sondra Houhoulis, Spokesperson, Florida Power & Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Getting ready…
Irene White, Florida Power and Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Getting ready for the holiday season requires a lot of energy, but most people aren’t…
Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Don’t let your electric bill pack on extra weight this holiday season. Sondra Houhoulis, from Florida Power and Light, can help…