Award Winning Documentary Puts a Human Face on the Devastating Impacts of the Most Common Form of Violence Experienced By Young People in the Nation Lee Hirsch, Director and Producer, Bully (San Francisco, CA, Thursday,…
La Tasa de Pobreza Entre los Inmigrantes Es Dos Veces Mayor a la de la Población Estadounidense En General Bishop Jose Garcia, Director of Church Relations, Bread for the World (Washington, DC, Lunes, 17 de…
70% of People Living in Concentrated Poverty Reside in the 100 Largest Metropolitan Areas Asma Lateef, Director, Bread for the World Institute (Washington, DC, Tuesday, November 22, 2016) – Bread for the World Institute’s annual…
En Estados Unidos, Una de Cada Cinco Familias Latinas Enfrenta Hambre – Casi Lo Doble de la Tasa Para Familias Blancas no Latinas Obispo José García, Director de Relaciones Eclesiales, Pan para el Mundo (Washington,…
43 Millones de Estadounidenses Viven En La PobrezaObispo José García, Director de Relaciones Eclesiales, Pan para el Mundo (Washington D.C., Lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016) – En Estados Unidos, 1 de cada 6 niños…
Florencia Contesse de Florida Power and Light Estaciones, a continuación un aviso informativo. Comunicado en 3,2,1… (INTRO) El próximo dos de abril, únete al Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el Autismo. Ilumina tu hogar o…
Matt Macon, Florida Power and Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) As Autism Awareness Day approaches on April 2, show your support by lighting up your…
Seniors and Their Caregivers Urged to Be Aware of the Dangers of Ignoring the Symptoms of Cataracts Friday, August 2, 2013 Dear PSA Director, In support of Cataract Awareness Month in August, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is urging seniors and…
A Flying Champagne Cork Can Shatter Glass – Don’t Let It Do the Same to Your Vision this Holiday Season Dr. Monica Monica, Ophthalmologist and Spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology Every year, warm…
The First-Ever Comprehensive Examination of Threats Facing the U.S. Cancer Care Delivery System Dr. Blase Polite, Chair-Elect of the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s Government Relations Committee and Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago…