Eli Viamontes, Spokesperson, Florida Power & Light Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Tree branches and vegetation can affect your electric service. This Arbor Day, remember to…
Eli Viamontes de Florida Power & Light Estaciones, a continuación un aviso informativo. Comunicado en 3,2,1… (Introducción) Las ramas de los árboles y la vegetación pueden afectar su servicio eléctrico. Este Arbor Day, recuerde plantar…
Florencia Contesse, Portavoz de Florida Power and Light Estaciones, a continuación un aviso informativo. Comunicado en 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Han pasado casi ocho años desde que un huracán ha impactado a la Florida, y…
Anne Weiss of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Stations the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3…2…1 (INTRO) When it comes to understanding the quality of health insurance plans it turns out employers…
Carolinas Medical Center-Northeast, Part of Carolinas HealthCare System, Honored for Leadership and Innovation in Quality and Patient Safety Improvement Phyllis Wingate, President at Carolinas Medical Center-Northeast Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead…
El 44 por ciento de los 33,320 Ford Rangers impactados en 2006 y el 55 por ciento de los 2,205 camiones impactados de la Serie B de Mazda han sido mitigados Jose Ucles, vocero de…
Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Buzz is building. From touch to type, office to living room, from your screen to the big screen, you can see…
Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Buzz is building. From touch to type, office to living room, from your screen to the big screen, you can see…
Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Buzz is building. From touch to type, office to living room, from your screen to the big screen, you can see…
Stations, the following is a news announcement. Suggested lead in 3, 2, 1… (INTRO) Buzz is building. From touch to type, office to living room, from your screen to the big screen, you can see…