(Washington, D.C., Thursday, May 5, 2022) – Just weeks after Congress passed a massive $783 billion Pentagon spending bill for the Fiscal Year 2022, President Biden requested a whopping $813 billion for FY 2023.

This new spending total includes funds for the Defense Department and the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons and other defense-related activities. If approved, that number would represent the largest military budget that America has ever seen.  Yet Congress is only talking about pushing that number higher.

At the same time, funding for the COVID-19 response is expiring, and domestic priorities are being abandoned. The United States has spent 7.5 times more on nuclear weapons than on global vaccine donations.  Of the $14 trillion in Pentagon spending since 9/11, one-third to one-half has gone to defense contractors.  Those same companies are cashing in on the war in Ukraine.

Overspending on the Pentagon hurts all of us by diverting scarce resources needed to keep all Americans healthy and safe.

Learn more about the importance of cutting Pentagon overspending here.

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