(Nashville, TN, Thursday, December 5, 2019) – The keto diet has become very popular going into the new year. What makes this diet so appealing is the belief that in order to lose weight, the body should be in a state of nutritional ketosis.

In his newest book, The Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet, world-renowned cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston, explains how following a low-carb, high-fat, quality-protein keto-friendly approach without having to reach and sustain a state of ketosis can still create weight loss benefits.

The Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet follows the proven principles of the low-carb/good-carb, good-fat, healthy-protein approach of the original South Beach Diet and in science-backed elements of the keto diet’s higher fat.

This approach shifts the body from “fat storage mode” into “fat burning mode” resulting in weight loss. The diet also allows for more variety in food choices, which are more sustainable than stricter keto diets.

For more keto-friendly insights and keto-friendly recipes, visit https://palm.southbeachdiet.com. And remember, the first step to losing weight is finding a plan that works for you. The new Keto-Friendly South Beach Diet can create weight loss without being in nutritional ketosis through an approach that’s friendly, flexible and achievable.

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