(Washington D.C., Tuesday, April 7, 2020) – Today, as we struggle to beat a viral pandemic racing across the globe, we see clearly how human behavior can change the world. Social distancing, when applied strictly, can slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and help protect our vulnerable neighbors from infection.
When we radically change our behavior, we can make a significant impact. The same is true with climate change. If we work together, our actions to protect the planet now can also minimize further damage from climate change.
On April 22, we will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the birth of the modern environmental movement. Our message then, still resonates now: We have No Other Earth!
Right now, people are helping each other fight the viral pandemic spreading worldwide. In the same spirt, we all have the responsibility to care for the Earth.
Congress must enact laws to solve the climate crisis now.
Please help by placing this PSA in heavy rotation between now and Thursday, April 30, 2020.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Friends Committee on National Legislation
A nonpartisan Quaker public interest lobby