Budget Cuts Would Also Slash Foreign Aid During a Time of Worsening Famine
Reverend David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World
(Washington, D.C., Monday, April 24, 2017) – President Trump is expected to release his proposed full budget in early to mid-May, with Congress releasing their budgets sometime after that. From what we’ve already seen in last month’s release of the president’s “skinny” budget, Americans should expect it to contain significant cuts to programs that help poor and hungry people. These include nutrition, housing, heating assistance, and community development. The budget cuts would also slash foreign aid during a time of worsening famine.
Congressional leaders are also planning significant cuts to domestic programs that help poor and hungry people, making it likely that these cuts will be implemented.
Last month, Bread for the World and a diverse group of Christian leaders held a prayer vigil on Capitol Hill to protest proposed legislation that would disproportionally harm poor and vulnerable people.