New Book “Our 50-State Border Crisis” Details How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America

April 3, 2018

New York Times Best Selling Author Writes New Book About the Growing Opioid Epidemic and Border Security

Howard G. Buffett, Author

(New York, NY, Tuesday, April 3, 2018) – From Philanthropist, sheriff, New York Times best-selling author and son of Warren Buffett, Howard G. Buffett has released a new book today called Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America. The book offers an eye-opening, myth-busting perspective on how the Mexican border relates to the growing opioid epidemic in the U.S. Forewords written by Cindy McCain, co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking, and U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp.

People often talk about America’s insecure border and our raging opioid crisis as if they were separate issues. To Buffett, these are intimately connected. As a landowner on the U.S. border with Mexico, volunteer law enforcement officer in Arizona and a sheriff in Illinois, Buffett has seen first-hand the devastating impact of cheap Mexican heroin and other opiate cocktails on the U.S. heartland. Fueled by failed border security strategies, organized crime activity in Mexico, and an absent rule of law in Central America, drugs are coming across our border and creating an epidemic that touches all fifty states. Cartels exploit this insecurity, while profiting enormously off America’s growing addiction to drugs.

In the book, Buffett challenges Americans to re-think our southern border – and the solution isn’t a wall. Instead, he outlines a more realistic, effective, and bi-partisan approach to fighting cartels, strengthening our national security, and tackling the roots of the chaos below the border.  

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